Who would
be the audience for your media product?
audience I have chosen is the Lower Class Reggae Fans; the reason I chose this
group is because form my research it’s where the majority of Reggae fans are
within, this is the Reader profile I created….
It shows that the age of my audience is about 20-30, I got
this information unreliably by searching for Reggae fans online and look at
their age, if I was to do this again I would conduct some professional market research
which would be a lot more reliable than the way I found out this information. I
found out that most of the Reggae fan base is male, the statistics I found to
back this up are that 90% of them are Male, 10% are female, I found these stats
online which arguably isn’t reliable but if I was to do it again I would try
and gain my own statistics through research. I also found out why they enjoy
reading Reggae Magazines the most; they like to hear about the next big song
that’s coming out of Jamaica as well as the next big artist, this is why in my
magazine I introduced a couple of new artists such as ‘Dexter Rashard’. I found
this out by doing online research which again isn’t very reliable but if I was
to do it again I would definitely try a new technique such as online
questionnaires using Survey Monkey.
I also found out through online research that most Reggae
fans are unemployed, obviously this means they can’t afford to be paying £5 for
a magazine so I built my magazine around the fact my magazine had to be relatively
cheap, this links back to the fact my audience is lower class because unemployed
are within that category. If I was to make my magazine again then I would definitely
change the advertisements and competitions so they were attractive to the Lower
Class, I could have added things such as ‘buy one get one free concerts’ so ultimately
it would be more attractive to my audience. I also don’t feel as if my research
was good enough, I think the way I researched this is unreliable and it could
be false, if I was to do my research again then I would again make a survey
using Survey Monkey which is a skill I have learnt to use throughout the
process, with this tool I can create a useful survey which I could distribute
to the public to gain information on employment status and other information which
would help me target my audience more efficiently.
One thing that I have done throughout the process is try to
find out what ‘reggae’ means to the Reggae fans, from what I’ve found out they
want to be proud of Artists that come out of the country, people like Bob
Marley are Legends in Jamaica. They also want to be different to countries like
England who have lots of different music genres compared to Jamaica who have
just the one Major genre which is Reggae. I represented this in my magazine by
focusing on Reggae, no other genres are featured in my magazine, it’s just pure
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